Saturday, February 19, 2011


Sorry about the amount of time it has taken me to update, but I've just now gotten internet!

I arrived safe and sound in Beijing on Wednesday and took the train to Harbin with my program on Thursday night, arriving Friday (yesterday) morning. I haven't really got the time to write a good, long, substantial post right now, but I will do this as soon as physically possible (either later tonight or tomorrow morning). I just wanted to let y'all know that I've arrived.

For you praying folks, I could really use some prayer. This semester is going to be very difficult and this is already evident. My language pledge kicks in tomorrow and communication is already a problem. I'm feeling in over my head, so I'd really appreciate prayer for this.

Oh! Good news that I'm sure all of you will be very excited to hear! My friend hooked me up with a free VPN (proxy server) that allows me to surf the web as if I were in the US so that means...*drum roll*

I can still be on Facebook!

I know. You're all just as excited as I am.


  1. YEAHHHH know you wouldn't have this language issue if you just stayed here....just saying...with your favorite Sarah...WHO IS GRADUATING IN LIKE 65 DAYS! Good luck my dear and respond to your emails :D


    Oh and, it's good you got there safe 'n stuff ;)
